The Belt-In-Oil replacement procedure for PureTech EB0 and EB2 engines is very straightforward and Gates super kits include additional components that are vital to a successful installation.
As well as belts, tensioners and idler pulleys, Gates kits include a crankshaft seal, as well as other seals, gaskets and bolts that must be replaced at the same time. These extras are essential. They guarantee that the engines are fully sealed.
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Gates Kits from K03T360HOB to K08T360HOB are super kits, designed specifically for PureTech engines. These include options for naturally aspirated (NA) engines and for turbocharged engines. The illustration below shows the super kit components the engine typical layout.

Key to diagram.
1 Belt-in-oil. 2 Tensioner cover. 3 Stretch Fit Belt. 4 Crankshaft Bolt. 5 Crankshaft Seal. 6 Gasket set options. 7 Camshaft Bolts. 8 Idler. 9 Tensioner.
The T360HOB belt is an enhanced design with improved resistance to petrol and other chemical agents.
Specific to PureTech Engines
Engine tensioner part numbers vary (i.e. T43273 or T43275) between applications. Use the Navigates online catalogue. to confirm part selection for peace of mind and to avoid installation problems and durability issues.
Gasket set components may vary (i.e from 159 (NA engines) to 175 (turbo engines). Use the Navigates online catalogue. to confirm part selection for peace of mind and to avoid installation problems and durability issues.
- Engine cylinder head cover gaskets
Be aware that for both NA and turbo engines, TWO different types of cylinder head seals are installed. Ensure the original seal is compared with the proposed equivalent replacement.
- NA engines: a bigger intake manifold with bigger seals. Depending on the engine cylinder head cover, you will need one of the different seals supplied in the Gates K03T360HOB or K04T360HOB. You will also need three round green seals for the intake manifold.

- Turbo engines: these types of engines have a smaller engine cylinder head cover, which simplifies installation. Once again there are two different seals included in the Gates K05, K06, K07 and K08 – T360HOB
- Tensioner cover gasket: covers a window in the engine block, allowing access the tensioner and the guide roller.
- Crankshaft seal: before removing the belt, remove the crankshaft pinion. Changing the crankshaft seal at this stage is good workshop practice and prevents oil leaks.
- 1x Crankshaft bolt (Z80834): replacement is recommended in the vehicle installation manual.
- 2x Camshaft dephaser bolts (Z80854): it is not always necessary to disassemble the phase shifters, as part of the procedure to remove the belt-in-oil. If the phase shifters are disassembled, never re-install the old bolts. Fit the new ones supplied with the Gates kit.
- Micro-V belt
This belt drives the cooling system water pump. It is a 3-rib Stretch Fit belt - 3PK576SF.
In addition to super kits, Gates also supplies tools for installation. For NA engines, the timing tool kit to be used is GAT5148A, while for turbo engine vehicles, the timing tool kit is GAT5255.

Note that the GAT5148A timing tool kit can be used with both NA and turbo engines. However, the GAT5255 turbo kit allows the work on the turbo engine to be done in less time because fewer parts must be disassembled.
Check the belt-in-oil belt’s condition at every oil change interval but at least once a year. The belt condition can be checked using the measuring tool (GAT5249) included in the timing tool kit box. For information about how to check the belt-in-oil belt and how to make corrective actions, please use this link.

- Other important tools available from Gates
- Crankshaft seal installer GAT5257
- Stretch Fit belt installation tool SFT001 for the alternator (vehicles without A.C. 6PK848SF)
- Stretch Fit belt installation tool SFT008 for the water pump (3PK576SF)

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