The importance of technical training


These past few years, there has been a veritable revolution under the bonnet. To make sure you keep up with the latest, we regularly organize free lectures. Continuous technical training is also crucial to improve your technical competences. Read on to find out why you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to attend one of these technical training sessions!

Don’t take any chances with outdated installation practices

Most modern car parts outperform their predecessors. Yet, in many cases, these newer versions also need more precise tuning. In addition, the changes in correctly tensioning a timing belt are no less far-reaching. In short: mechanics who still install car parts or who adjust belt tension the way they did thirty years ago are taking huge risks.

Euro 5 and 6 engines require the most precise tuning, which is why good-quality tools are indispensable, for instance to keep the engine in the correct position while installing a timing belt. Failure to use these tools results in excessive vibrations that not only negatively affect the engine’s life span and fuel consumption but also decrease belt life.

Technical training: the answers to all your questions

One can cause engine failure by following outdates procedures or – in other words – by ignoring the most recent procedures that can be found in the installation manuals. After all, technology is evolving at breakneck speed, especially in automotive.

Developing your skills through further training provides significant benefits. It allows you to operate confidently and independently in your day-to-day business and avoid commonly made mistakes. Do you feel uncomfortable installing certain parts because of visual differences, compared to the original parts you remove from the engine? Do you want to know if it’s possible to reinstall a timing belt or to install a timing belt on a hot engine? Join us to find the answers to these and many more questions and to try your hand at our demo engines and demo plates. You read that right: our technical trainings are a far cry from the average ‘sit and listen’ theory course!

We hope to see you soon.